Wednesday, 20 July 2011


When combat begins, I (the DM) will normally tell you (the Players):

1. Initiative - Whether any PCs get to act before the monsters act.
2. The monsters' Defenses (their AC and saving throw bonuses to Fortitude, Reflex & Will, total Hit Points, resistances) and how far apart they are from you and from each other in feet (5'=1 square).

Actions are then resolved in order of posting.

You should:
Using the ENW online dice roller you should then declare your movement & attacks, roll for your attacks, roll for any monster saving throws, roll for damage, and declare the effects - which monsters are killed, charmed etc.

Example of Combat: Player A, Player B, and the DM.
DM rolls for initiative - A beats the monsters (A wins Init), monsters beat Player B (B loses Init).

Player A Acts
Monsters Act
Players A + B Act in order of posting
Monsters Act
Players A + B Act in order of posting
Monsters Act
Players A + B Act in order of posting
Monsters Act
Players A + B Act in order of posting

Until the fight ends.

Death & Dying

PCs at negative Hit Points do not automatically lose hp each round, but may die eventually if they do not receive medical attention.
Monsters & NPCs typically die at -1 hp.  PCs die normally at -10 hp.   

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